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7 commenti

  1. Nana // 9 luglio 2009 alle ore 19:00  

    Credici credici Bestar!!!^_^

    Sono tornata dopo un pò di problemi di salute, che si stanno risolvendo un pò per volta, e dopo il periodo stressante degli esami universitari!

    Tornata per restare in modo costante...mi impegnerò a scrivere di nuovo...a lasciare i miei pensieri su questa carta virtuale ^_^

    Un abbraccio!

  2. bestar // 9 luglio 2009 alle ore 19:14  

    bentornata nana...
    sono contento...
    spero niente di grave...
    a presto...

  3. Marie // 15 luglio 2009 alle ore 00:53  

    Hello il mio dolce amico,
    I studied music a long time ago, I still play the piano every now and then but not much and I gave my viola to my cousin so she could take classes at school, I haven't played the drums in a long time either =).
    So other than the Beatles, who are your favorite bands? What bands and favorite songs do you like to relax to? I like a lot of different music, I just cannot listen to country or rap, I can't stand it, other than that I pretty much like everything from big band music and easy listening to hard core rock =)
    I wont get to take a vacation this summer, so I am planning on possibly going to Croatia or Greece next summer, I have to get in touch with family and see if they can tell me the best places to go, somewhere that there are not very many tourists =)My favorite places to go are where I can lay on a beach, I love the sun and water. Did you take a lot of pictures on your vacation? You will have to post them =)
    Molti abbracci

  4. Marie // 17 luglio 2009 alle ore 05:31  

    Hello my sweet friend,
    I did change my template, just trying to add a little spice to my blog lol
    We share the same taste in music...Classical,Jazz,Blues,Rock,Heavy Metal =) you will have to see the purse I made (I posted it on my blog) with Iron Maiden on it =)
    I am from Kansas City, so Jazz is a big part of my life =)
    I will have to start working on your playlist now =)
    Many many hugs to you

  5. Marie // 18 luglio 2009 alle ore 04:10  

    Here is the music playlist I am working on for you, will add more songs later, hope you enjoy what I have so far

  6. stella // 22 maggio 2013 alle ore 14:46  

    Grazie mille, utilissimo. Qualcuno stava rubando in modo sfacciato ogni contenuto del mio blog di cucina facendo un semplice copia-incolla

  7. bestar // 22 maggio 2013 alle ore 15:26  


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